Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fall is Here Again

Tomorrow is October 1st already --- I can't believe we are in the homestretch of 2008. Where did this year GO? It's hard to believe The Holidays are almost upon us again.

In 12 days, I will have a 7-year-old. Unbelievable. Seems like yesterday I was changing diapers.

Danny is doing so well in First Grade. His reading has skyrocketed this year and he just amazes me. Math too - he's so smart!

His birthday party is on the 11th this year. He chose Main Event again. Pokemon theme and this stuff is hard to find! Of course... Mom is running ragged trying to order invites, the cake, etc. Never an easy theme for this kid. Ben 10 was just as hard last year. I think they hear him and pull the stuff from the shelves. lol

Basketball is going ok. He actually made a basket at his last game. I think he was as shocked as we were :) He needs to learn this is not a take-turns sport. He's just not an aggressive kid - I've been told that will come in time.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Night before 1st Grade/First Day of First Grade

Our new tradition... taking a picture in front of the school the night before. No crowds - perfect photo op!

You and Ms. Dwyer on the first day of school. You were SO excited!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Meet The Teacher Night

Just got home from meeting Danny's 1st Grade Teacher... Ms. Dwyer. Looks like it's going to be a great year! She seems so nice and Danny immediately loved her. They have little desks this year with a spot for their books and pencil cases... so cute. A few of his classmates from last year are in his class again and some new ones as well --- looks like he will make some more good friends this year!

After meeting Ms. Dwyer, we immediately went down to 5th grade to see Ms Morrison. Danny ran up to her and gave her a big hug. She made a big fuss over him and how great his new teacher was. I really hope she's in 5th grade when we get there - we'll definitely ask for her.

So, one last weekend of freedom and it's back to the grindstone on Monday. Wait, I already graduated. lol But, it does seem parents go through it all again!!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

One More Month!

Until school starts again! The Big 1st Grader :)

Danny has done some Summer camps through Allen ISD and now he's doing a few with Metroplex Gymnastics. We've also kept in contact with our K friends over the Summer. I know he's so ready to go back and see who his teacher is going to be and who is going to be in his class. Meet the Teacher Night is on Aug 22nd I believe, and we start on Monday the 25th. Between now and then we have school clothes shopping to do and we'll have to go up to Hickey and buy our school supplies :)

I also just realized that in a little over 2 months I will have a 7-year-old. GASP!!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Countdown to the Beach!

We leave for Hawaii in 11 days! I'm pretty excited about going.... how fun to be in 80 degree weather in the middle of February! :) Danny is not overly excited about missing 7 days of school, but once we get there I think books and gym will be long forgotten. ha!

We are going to Oahu and Hawaii.... a little tiny plane will take us between the islands. We plan to whale watch and take a helicopter ride while we're there! I'm hoping to parasail also.

For once.... I'M NOT TAKING MY LAPTOP! Yeehaw! 10 days of not checking email. Hope I can handle it. ;)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Countdown to the BIG Day!

Christmas is right around the corner....9 days away to be exact. Danny is SUPER excited and just cannot wait. All the presents are wrapped and hidden away -- ready to bring out once he's fast asleep. We have a few things still hidden in the back of Daddy's truck... the guitar, the art easel, and the scooter. They are big and the last two need to be put together.

School is going well. He goes all next week and then is out until Jan 7th. My baby will be back at home all day with me. We'll probably drive each other nuts. ha!

This week Danny is the All-Star Student. We made a poster with various pictures and he's excited to share it with the class.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

This is what 6 looks like....

Gorgeous weather for your birthday. It was early-release at school, so you got out at noon and we had fun the rest of the day. Grandma was here too!